Please click here for the full rules and description of the Bead Soup Blog Party.
As I mentioned after the last party,
I will be taking all who wish to participate.
(Exception: If you joined a previous party but never posted your creation.)
To that end, I'll be hosting THREE reveal days.
This should give people time to enjoy the blog hop,
even if there are a lot of participants.
During sign up days, you will be given
the chance to ask for a certain date
and I will do all I can to comply.
Rarely, if ever, is anyone able to visit all the blogs.
Participating in the hop is supposed to be fun for you.
You should not feel stressed over visiting all the blogs.
There are a few blog hops in the art arena
that have many more participants then the BSBP,
yet they're fun and engaging.
Be in it for the fun and your chance to be creative!
Grab the button!
Just save the photo,
open the photo Gadget in Blogger,
(you may have to uncheck the "shrink to fit" option)
and where it reads "HTML",
into the form.
Then move the button to where you want it on your sidebar.
(Bead Soup Blog Party ® is a registered trademark and protected as such.)
As I mentioned after the last party,
I will be taking all who wish to participate.
(Exception: If you joined a previous party but never posted your creation.)
To that end, I'll be hosting THREE reveal days.
This should give people time to enjoy the blog hop,
even if there are a lot of participants.
During sign up days, you will be given
the chance to ask for a certain date
and I will do all I can to comply.
Rarely, if ever, is anyone able to visit all the blogs.
Participating in the hop is supposed to be fun for you.
You should not feel stressed over visiting all the blogs.
There are a few blog hops in the art arena
that have many more participants then the BSBP,
yet they're fun and engaging.
Be in it for the fun and your chance to be creative!
Just save the photo,
open the photo Gadget in Blogger,
(you may have to uncheck the "shrink to fit" option)
and where it reads "HTML",
into the form.
Then move the button to where you want it on your sidebar.
If this won't work, email me and I'll help you!
You can also join the Facebook Group, Bead Soup Cafe.
Once I get your name, I can approve you
and you can join in the conversation and camaraderie!
And you don't need a blog to be at the Cafe!
And you don't need a blog to be at the Cafe!
The sign ups will occur on my main blog,
June 15-17
See you then!
(Bead Soup Blog Party ® is a registered trademark and protected as such.)
Lori Anderson creates jewelry for her web site, Lori Anderson Designs, and wrote the blog An Artist's Year Off. She is the creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party.