Sunday, January 26, 2014

The 8th Bead Soup Blog Party ® dates are set!

Dates are done!

First and foremost


If you comment "I'm in!" and then don't come back on the official sign up day to fill in the sign up sheet (I need certain information), you will not be added.  I know, I'm a meanie, but I have to.)

I will have more information and badges for your blog soon. Those of you who know me know I'm fighting, among other things, Lyme disease, so I'm working at a much slower pace than I would like.  Please be patient but don't hesitate to comment with questions!

Don't forget, there is only ONE DAY to sign up -- it's the only way I can (maybe) manage the size of the party.  Last time we hit over 500 people and had three reveal dates.  This year, one day to sign up, one day to show off  (well, to officially show off.... we'll be hopping around for a long time, I'm sure!)

Feel free to post this photo on your blog page 
(but it's way too big for your badge, so hang on for that).

Mark those calendars! Set those clocks!
It's Party Time!

Lori Anderson creates jewelry and bead kits as well as collaborative mixed media art with her son, Zack. Visit her shops by clicking on the right side bar of this blog (please and thank you!). She is also the creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party® and author of the book "Bead Soup" via Kalmbach Publishing.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

IMPORTANT...a poll (with a lot of words but it was necessary)

I got a couple of curve balls thrown at me but yes, we will have a BSBP.  Questions...

1) How long do you need notification of sign ups?  Since there will only be ONE DAY to sign up (my way of keeping the numbers manageable), I was thinking a week and a half, so it crosses two weekends.

2)  There will be ONE party date.  Dragging it out seemed to make those at the end not get the excitement and momentum for comments.  More later on why one day, no matter how many people, is to your advantage.)

How long should it be between sending beads and reveal date, keeping in mind international. (I have a back up plan if we get more than a few late international packages, like a separate mini hop, so you aren't screwed over.

3)  Here's the touchy one, and I'd appreciate input..

 Sometimes I've had people send me photos of their soups and they were obviously cast offs or (man I hate to use this word) junky.  Some beads have come in dirty, falling apart, etc. This is a once a tear event, recently written up in Jewelry Affaire magazine. So when sending think.  Are you proud of your beads?  They don't have to be huge strands of lampwork or expensive gemstones, but if you would, start planning NOW.  My go-to is Etsy, not Michael's or Hobby Lobby (not that there's a thing wrong with that... just giving options).  And I'm not playing favorites with my list, I'm rushing.

Silk cording in color coordinated bundles,

Patinaed metal and gemstones,

Bronze clay clasps and vocals,

Unique clasps,

Very cool gemstones,

There is a file under Files in our group listing bead makers (if your not on it, add!)  If it's the old one with lampworkers only, one person please start a new one called handmade beads and components.

 The touchy part.  Technically, as artists, we should be able to use what we're given, along with our own stash.  A lot of people forget you're not getting a kit, but a starting point. There's also"soup envy" and I can't help it if you like someone else's better than yours, but it CAN bring out some wild behavior (trust me).

If you are truly troubled, upset, rules were obviously broken, come to me.  Lisa Liddy and Tania Spivey can be contacted if I'm sick and can't get to email.  Think hard about what you got, raid your bins, flip through magazines for inspiration, and contact me if it's just not gelling.

I am not going to stop anyone from sending more than the required focal, pretty clasp, and few COORDINATING beads.  If you want to send more, do so, knowing you may be getting a normal stash smaller than you:+ sent.  THIS IS WHY ITS SO IMPORTANT TO EMAIL YOUR PARTNER, CHAT, LOOK AT THEIR BLOG.  Don't send exactly what they would probably fun.  But don't send something so completely different that bit doesn't represent YOU.  Send beads you love.  More tomorrow on how to chose.

Deanna Chase, Lisa Missy, and Susan Sheehan.  Chat with your swap partners!
It could be the beginning of a great friendship or business partnership!

So the question.

We have all levels and stashed and incomes here.  The focal and clasp you send should be a PRESENT.   Special.  Special docent have to be expensive and it's probably sitting in your stash right now.  Other than my normal rules, is there a diplomatic way to address this without making a person exemplified on or excluded?

4) Would you like a judging component, run like last year?

Any other thoughts or opinions are welcome, just please don't name names.   If you wish, you can choose to post anonymously.  And please spread the news about this poll.  I need any thoughts ASAP.


Monday, January 6, 2014

the 8th Bead Soup Blog Hop Sign Ups are Coming Soon!

A lot of people have asked if I've felt like having a Bead Soup Blog Party (also known as the BSBP) because my recovery from Lyme disease and a bunch of cross diseases is still underway.

The book that came about because of the parties.

The answer is YES.  However, there will be some changes to make it more streamlined.

I can tell you three important things....

1)  There will only be ONE sign up day.  Only 24 hours.
In the past there have been three days,
but this year will have a strict 24 hours.

2)  Regardless of the size of the party,
there will only be

3) There will be no Facebook entries this year...
you MUST have a blog.
One of the missions of the BSBP is to get you blogging,
sharing your work, 
and increasing your opportunities
to participate in other blog hops.

I haven't decided if there will be a contest yet
and there are a couple of other things I'm working out.

A Bead Soup I received.

I will be announcing the dates on this page, at, on the Facebook group, and my personal  I will also create a Facebook invite.  Now is a good time to check your account and see if you are set up to receive invites (they show up in the right top corner of your Facebook page), and also see if you clicked to receive an email when someone invites you to something.

If you're as excited as I am every year about this party, please feel free to start putting together your soup.  Make sure you're on the right track by reading:

Lori Anderson creates jewelry and bead kits as well as collaborative mixed media art with her son, Zack. Visit her shops by clicking on the right side bar of this blog (please and thank you!). She is also the creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party® and author of the book "Bead Soup" via Kalmbach Publishing.